Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Sea of Love = A Sea of Dogs

I recently went to Urban Pooch Canine Life Center to take some portraits and had a bit of time in between appointments.  I took my camera into the play room to take some candid photos of dogs for fun.  I have 3 German Shepherds at home, and when I come home they are all wagging their tails excitedly at the door, and climbing all over each other, everyone trying to get to me first to get love and hugs.  When I walked into the play room, it was the same – except tenfold or more.  Wow – dogs everywhere!!  I don’t know how many dogs were there; maybe 50-70 between the big dog room and the small dog room.  It was literally a sea of dogs.  All the dogs ran over to me and surrounded me, jumped up on me, everyone wanted to be petted.  They were all friendly as could be.  It was great fun.  Just pure love everywhere.  I had dogs around me, dogs jumping up on me, dogs barking to get my attention, a dog running between my legs.  I loved every minute of it.  What a great job the handlers have who supervise the play room.  It is impossible to be in the play room and not smile. 

This is just a little tiny bit of what it looked like when all the dogs ran over to me when I walked in the room.

And of course when I got home, Nikki, Shadow and Knight sniffed and sniffed and sniffed my clothes.  They are very understanding that when mom is a pet photographer, she comes home with the smells of other dogs all over her and her equipment.  They aren’t jealous – they are very good about it.  They know that it is them that I come home to.  But that day – this was too much even for them – “just how many dogs did mom go see and why?” was on the tips of their tongues. 

Enjoy these happy faces from Urban Pooch!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Goldens, Goldens Everywhere

Yesterday, Wetnoze Photography had a booth at As Good As Gold's annual reunion.  There were so many beautiful, much loved golden retrievers everywhere!  Some of them even got to see their litter mates, foster mates, and get reacquainted with old friends.  Enjoy these candid photos of the beautiful faces.